Monday, May 19, 2008

the coffee garden.

Today was very uneventful, unfortunately. I got in really late last night and so I didn’t even get out of bed until 12:30, but I didn’t feel so bad when I woke Ben up at 1 when I called. I ventured out this afternoon to Barnes and Noble to see if I could talk to any other manager about my job. I still can’t believe Donna, the manager I had been conversing with these past couple months went on vacation until the 24th and forgot to call me for my phone interview. Anyway, I spoke with the guy at the customer service desk and he said that even if I talked with another manager, they wouldn’t be able to do anything because Donna is the only one who does the hiring. I walked out feeling very defeated and stressed because I have bills to pay and really cannot afford to not be working for 10 days. On my way back home, I stumbled across this really cool old record place. They sold old records and posters and some postcards, but not many. I talked with the guy in there and he gave me some good ideas to make my own postcards from old record covers. He showed me some of his own work and I thought that wasn’t too bad an idea. Then Michelle would get very original and uniquely made by me postcards. He gave me a bunch of free postcards that advertisers give their store and I thought that was perfect! There is nothing wrong with free stuff. As I was leaving he informed me that they always have tons of boxes of ol records for only a dollar. (They are the ones that are about to be thrown out so it’s like a last chance to buy them) I immediately thought about Jamie. I might just send her some? (Oh great. Now it can’t be a surprise if she reads this.) I went back to the house and in my fit of defeat, turned on the T.V. and wasted a couple hours soaking in Myth Busters and Full House. Bekah came home and we chatted for a while and she suggested that if I want to apply anywhere else for the time being and if I wanted to work at another coffee house that there was this really cool place on 9th and 9th and they have AWESOME coffee. I figured that it would at least be a good 2nd job, so I decided to go check it out. When I got there, I could tell that I was going to love it. It’s the coolest little coffee house and with the coolest people. I ordered an iced mocha and seriously, the BEST one I’ve EVER HAD. No lie. So I asked for an application and noticed that they had free Wi-Fi and decided to catch up on my emails and internet life. I met Ben at church—he was leading worship for the little kids—and I had planned on talking with the gal in charge of that to see if I could get connected in helping or leading something but I was late and didn’t want to wait around for her because it would have been a couple hours so I figure I can just talk to her on Sunday. Ben and I went to the park afterwards and played around with the Frisbee and he taught me a couple techniques before I tackled him to the ground. It was so nice being outside. If there’s anything I absolutely love instantly about moving to Utah it’s the outdoors. Tree’s are everywhere; beautiful green huge tree’s. The mountains are so close, the sky seems to be bigger, the air is fresh, it’s warm during the day, and cool during the night. Ugh. It’s amazing. And everyone seems to have a dog. Which I envy. I WANT A DOG SO BAD. Everyone also seems to take advantage of the weather and air here because everywhere you look people are outside riding bikes, jogging, waking their dog, playing in the parks. It’s AWESOME. After the park, Ben taught me how to drive his stick shift. I only drove from one side to the other until I was over the idea of learning and let Ben example a good stick driver verses a bad one. We came back to his house and made Mac and cheese and I wrote a complaint to U-Haul about their poor customer service. My mother would be so proud. Her famous line was always, “I’m writing a letter. What is your name?” After that we watched some T.V. and laughed. We laughed so much, and about nothing. Just being with him and not having that feeling of “this will all soon be over” is so great. It’s so…NORMAL. The way it’s suppose to be. Ben and I went for a walk before we fell asleep on his couch and woke up at 1am and once again I return to my quarters late, tired, and totally okay with it all.

Day Four: well done.


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