Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I don't know where I am.

Today started out absolutely amazing. Ben came over around 10—unexpected—and surprised me with a blowdryer! I know. This probably doesn’t seem like a very amazing thing to happen, but I’ve been blowdryerless since I got to Utah and every time I ventured out to buy one, I would get lost. It was the cutest thing ever. I LOVED IT! I got up and mailed Michelle’s postcard—the first Tuesday of Postcard Tuesday’s—and I cannot go into detail of the amazing postcard until she received it, but lets just say that I hope a Mormon postman doesn’t see it because it might get “lost in the mail”. I ventured over to my new favorite place, The Coffee Garden, and caught up with my blogging since I am jobless until next Thursday. After a good couple hours at the Coffee Garden, I decide to try and find the Walmart to pick up some needs. I don’t know how I become so lost all the time, but I…yes…got freaking lost! The thing that I have to learn is the difference between 1300 South, and 1300 East. I went down the wrong way on the wrong 1300 and. Got. Lost. The only good thing about getting lost in a foreign state that you just moved too is that you are bound to, hopefully, find cool places. (It also helps that I live in a “downtown” and everyone knows that downtown are cool places.) In my time of lost…ness, I found…are you ready?


I know. I know! I was just as excited as you are now! I found a bead store in Huntington once but it was closed and I never got to go back and make anything. So, since I was lost and I had nothing to do…because I don’t have a job yet…I stopped in. I walked in and was so excited I think I squealed. I was under the impression that the owners were an old married couple, totally awesome, and not very responsive to my extreme excitement. I told them my whole bead store story and then I started. I was browsing the store looking at all the cool things and beads and stuff. I couldn’t decide what to make, and then. It came to me. I will make a keychain!

And I did!

It was seriously so fun! I can’t get over how much I enjoyed the whole experience. I’m taking Michelle there in three weeks when she gets here. I finally call Ben and let him know that I have no idea where I am and he gets me home an hour before I’m suppose to meet him, Gretchin. and two new people who are from Ute-Nited. I got there right on time and went into the bathroom and stood next to this girl who was fixing her hair and I wanted to ask her so badly if her name was Kelly, but I refrained. She walked out before me and then I walked out to see her hugging Ben and turns out that WAS Kelly! (The gal I was meeting!) We laughed at the fact that we listened to each other pee which makes us automatic friends now. We ate at Olive Garden and had a really good time. Ben and I went back to Nate and Bekah’s and listened to the wind for a little while. I love that about Utah. The Storms here are suppose to be crazy awesome and I only heard a fraction of one yesterday. We ended up going to Walmart together so that I wouldn’t get lost again tomorrow and got my goods. We went back and Ben fell asleep around 9 on my bed and I cleaned my room. A real nice and easy night, if I do say so myself. He ended up leaving at about 1am after a horrible conversation about the “what if I get in a car accident on my way home and DIE” talk. I hate what if’s. They give me nightmares.

Day Five: Lost.

1 Comment:

  1. Unknown said...
    I'm so glad you're back on here. I read these on your website but then it stopped working... :(
    See you at Ute-Nited, girly.

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